Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Everyone's a loser in the modern world

Recently, AU's math department joined Twitter for reasons I don't fully understand, but we did.  You can find it at  Along with the rest of the department, I have the login info for the account and I can post to it as much as I want.  I have this strange desire to just post my honest, yet probably quite unprofessional thoughts regarding my experiences as an AU math professor on it.  For example, 6 of 27 students didn't turn in the first Stats homework.  I would love to post something along the lines of 'Good job on not turning in the homework as it keeps me from feeling bad about failing you.'  Discernment has gotten the better of me, at least so far.  I seriously debated creating my own twitter account  tonight so I could post such things and at least not have it be on an official AU site.  I'm definitely protect the site so only those following me could see what I have to write.  Once again though, discernment won as I'd much rather stay employed than have my students think I'm witty.  Perhaps after tenure....

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