Monday, August 8, 2016

Within the sound of silence

The last three months (so all of summer, really) has been a whirlwind with just so much stuff going on.  There was buying the house and all that went in with that leading up to June and then moving myself in and then moving Lindsey in later.  Shortly thereafter she headed up to Michigan to prep for the wedding and then I did the same and that's where we left things off.  After we got married, we went up to Pictured Rocks for a quick honeymoon.  The real honeymoon is later in Costa Rica, but this was definitely a good time too.  But it was a six hour drive up on Monday followed by six hours back down on Thursday and then four more hours back to Indiana on Friday.  The following week, we drove up six hours to Appleton, WI for Lindsey's cousin's wedding which was a good time.  I got along quite well with that side of Lindsey's family.  Then we got to drive seven hours over to the cabin with my mom's side of the family.  Once again, that's always great because we have an island and there's no neighbors and no one gets to tell you what to do.  After nearly a week there, we came home on Saturday.

I'm not going to claim any of this is hard, but I've been struggling a little since I got back on the come down.  There was just so much over long period with all of the great things, including getting to spend some time with my best friends who live out West and then getting to experience new things and now I come back and Lindsey's in school and I don't for a couple weeks.  Right now, I need to find things to do and meaningful things to do because I'm feeling a little purposeless at the moment and compared to the rest of the summer, any event has to be fairly monumental to distract me now.  I'm currently writing this from my office where I can get a few things done but its still not what I want.  This is the issue.  After months and months of noise, now there's just silence.  I love silence, but I don't know what to do with it now.    I'm hesitant to say it, but I wouldn't actually mind having a week or two less of summer just because I run out of things to do and admittedly, I get a little bored.  If we could start earlier and have an extra week of Christmas break, heck yes, I'm all in.

Anyhoo, summer goals are going well.  I still believe I'm on target to get all ten taken care of, though I have been slack in biking and will need to average about five miles a day to get that knocked out.  Chances are I'll end up hitting up the Monon for a couple 30+ mile rides in the next few weeks to make sure it gets done.

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