Thursday, February 13, 2014

I just wanna see some sunshine

Julie and Lisa are off gallivanting about Australia while I'm stuck here in Indiana with its consistent temperatures below zero during my morning running times.  I know I just need to be patient as my turn will come in a month when I jet off to Puerto Rico for spring break.  I'm just sick of winter, much like everyone else in the Midwest is.  Having a friend at the University of Georgia tell you that she got two days off because of ice doesn't help when you've been living in an ice world for the past two months. 

I do worry about how this will affect May's Indy Mini.  I had to miss a couple of weeks in January because of the cold and my loathing of treadmills, but I've been able to get into a little bit.  I skipped Tuesday and today, but yesterday was a good run since I was able to go in the afternoon.  I will make sure to knock out a 10 miler on Saturday so its not as if I'm significantly off in terms of distance.  However, being able to comfortably maintain decent speed through that distance is another thing.  I don't think I'd be happy averaging an eight minute mile during the actual race, even though that's what I'm putting in now for 6-8 mile runs.  The good news is though that I don't expect the race in May to have icy footing, so that should be a boon.  Further, my training for last fall's half was decent, but not spectacular and I still ran 1:38:18 despite 40 degree rain and a stupid hill on mile ten.  The conditions should definitely be better, but the lack of a pacer will likely hurt me as now I have to monitor my own pace and the runs become tougher when I have to think about anything related to the run instead of just turning my mind off and letting things flow.  There's a special medal awarded to anyone who finishes in the top 500.  My goal is to crack the top 1000.  Last year, 30,000 people ran the Mini and top 500 cutoff was around a 6:58 pace.  The top 1000 line was right around 1:37 or so which correlates to about a 7:25 pace which I know I can do based off my 25k p.r.  That's what I'm up against.  There are times when I still hate having to go run four times a week, but there are still times I get out there and I really want to do another full marathon in the next year or two.

All said, February has been a better month than January.  I've run more, worked out more, eaten better and its been a week and a half since my last drink.  My finances are looking better and that's without even considering the extra pay I'll get from this night class. 

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