Sunday, August 24, 2014

I know what I've done but tell me what have I missed

There's roughly six hours of summer left so it's time to discuss the summer goals.

1) Hike Utah's Mighty Five. Done. Awesome.  I would do it again in a second.

2) Explore Kentucky.  I did.  Red River Gorge and three distilleries with Roger.  Several passages in Mammoth Cave with a bunch of people I wish weren't there.  It was still fun.

3) Drink homemade beer.  Success! Thanks Jon.

4) Do actual mathematical research of expanding spectral deferred correction.  Failure, but only because I didn't do it on SDC.  Instead, I worked on trying to figure out stability regions and so far that hasn't been overly successful.

5) Catch up on scripture memory.  This failed.  It went well for the first 6-8 weeks or so and then it just fell off.

6) Get involved in church sports.  I never did check out volleyball but I will eventually.  Softball was a success and we won both the regular season championship and the season ending tournament.  I'm counting this as a success since I didn't count anything from the math side.

7) Watch the original Star Wars trilogy.  Nope, still didn't do it, but I did see them on Jon's movie shelf.

8) Build a wine glass shelf.  Thanks Dad.  It still looks good.

9) Complete P90X2.  Nope, not even close.  I gave up after four weeks.  Now I'm fat. Sigh.

10) Eat no fast food within 75 miles of Anderson.  I held out for the first two months, but that's it.

5 of 10 done.  Goal-wise, it wasn't super great, but with all my traveling, it was one heck of a summer and I can't complain.  I'll have another post up in the next couple of days dealing with my travels.

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