Friday, September 18, 2015

I never wanted any more than I could fit into my head

Yay! Back to positive posts. I'm going to try to make it a regular (every Friday? every weekend?) where I post good things for the week or just things I like about myself because it certainly can't hurt to have a positive outlook about things.  This week, I like that I'm constantly trying to learn new things an fit as much stuff into my head.  Apparently, taking two Spanish classes was enough for a sabbatical for one of AU's profs so I'm not sure what I should get for just taking one because I could fit it into my schedule.  I'm still a little terrified whenever we have to speak in front of the entire class, even if it is just introducing ourselves or saying where we're from.  Somehow, I'm worried about a bunch of 20 year olds whom I had never met before judging my ability in Spanish I to be less than stellar despite the fact that by now, I'm sure they know that I'm a math professor.  I should never be this self-conscious, but whatever, I'm learning a new language simply because I can.  I'm putting myself out there and learning more about my students and reminding myself of what it was like and hopefully that will help me be a better teacher.  Gracias por escuchar (okay, for reading and not listening, but I don't know the word for reading yet).

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