Sunday, April 17, 2016

What a day, what a day

The time from Friday afternoon through Saturday night have been some of the most packed hours I've had in recent memory.  Lindsey and I have been seriously house hunting for about a month or so and thus, when a couple houses with good potential came on the market earlier this week (Read Wednesday or Thursday as the market has been crazy), we contacted our realtor and set up a showing for as soon as possible.  That turned out to be Friday afternoon at 5 so that's where the story starts.  We first looked at a house out in Ingalls that was nice and really quite cheap, but I wasn't totally feeling it and there's not a whole heck of a lot out in Ingalls anyway.  Next, we went out to Noblesville to check out two more, one of which we were very excited about.  House 1 was a little expensive, but we liked it a quite a bit even though we were just checking it out on a whim.  House 2 was the one we really wanted to see, but as it turns out, we definitely weren't alone on that.  They intentionally played the market by making everyone wait nearly two days to come see it so when we got there, we were one of five potential buyers checking it out.  Lindsey and I decided we actually liked house 1 better, but again, it was more expensive and not by an insignificant amount.  At this point, it was getting to be about 7 and I had to be back on campus on 8 for trivia.  Lindsey and I definitely had some decisions to make, but we put that off to Saturday per my request.

At trivia, our team consisted of three of AU's math faculty as well as three math majors/minors.  Last year, I wasn't on the team but they added me this year.  Last year, the team led all the way until the final round, before eventually taking second.  This year, there were significantly more teams, and we ended up taking second again.  I got back home after trivia around 10:30 but spent the next hour or so working out the financial details to see if we could actually make it work to buy one of the houses we had seen earlier that day.  I went to bed around 11:30 and slept fitfully due to concerns over whether we could make this work.  Normally, I'd just sleep in in the morning, but I was getting up at 6, so I could drive over to a buddy's house so we could run for a while.  

I got up at 6, drove over to Treg's place, we met up with Josh and ran for 11 miles.

After running, I headed over to Lindsey's place and we talked through all of the money stuff and determined that we could make an offer on house 1.  We called our realtor and got everything set up.  Since the market is ridiculous right now, she put our offer in and only had it last until 8 that night so as to discourage the sellers from waiting out for other offers.  I then drove back home because I got to shave and get all pretty for prom that night as we were to be chaperones.  Every time my phone went off that afternoon, I checked to see if it was a text or email from our realtor, but instead, it was a bunch of other group texts that were great, but not potentially life altering great.  Finally, as Lindsey and I were desperately searching for a place to park, our realtor's text came through.  The offer wasn't accepted or rejected, but instead, the sellers had made a counter offer as they didn't want to cover any closing costs.  We debated what our counter-counter offer should be and about an hour or so later texted our realtor saying what we wanted.  Our realtor listened to us, then somewhat ignored it, instead contacting the sellers and essentially asking them to reconsider.  She's good at what she does so she was able to convince them to do so and we ended up getting the house for our initial offer! We then spent the rest of prom not really being concerned with prom and instead focusing on the fact that we had now agreed to buy a house.  I sent more texts last night than pretty much any other night in my life except for possibly our engagement night.  So yeah, I bought a house while at prom.  

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Will you ever shut up?

Based on the fact that I'm down to posting every two weeks or so, I've actually given serious consideration to giving up writing on this blog.  This used to be my release; the place I could to go to air my grievances as well as all of my successes and still have relative anonymity.  I gave up the original Xanga blog because everyone else stopped blogging.  I restarted this because I liked writing because it gave me a way to release and just get all of my feelings out.  I'm not going to lie, it was cool when other people cared, but I didn't make a big deal of it when I switched over to blogspot.  I'm 34 and writing about the basics of my life.  I'm actually surprised you care as much as you do to keep checking this as often as you do.  My audience consists of my family, my fiancee and possibly a couple of friends.  Even then, most of my friends are getting married and so allegiances are shifting.  It's sad because I no longer rank as highly with them as I used to but its certainly not sad for them as someone else is taking on a huge role in their life.  That's the hard part for me now.  I'm not writing as much for myself anymore because I have Lindsey to be my sounding board.  Things don't rattle around in my brain as much because I can talk to her about anything.  I don't have as many friends reading this as I did in the Xanga days but that's okay.  It is sad though that I have actually lost touch with many of my friends.  One of the things I was ruminating over the other day while feeling down was how many good friends I've had that I no longer keep in contact with.  Over my life, at various times, I've had these people as my best friend for at least a year or more: Brad, George, Brian, Luke, Jon, Lisa, Scott, Cheryl, Steph and Lindsey.  Of those 10, I'm marrying Lindsey while Luke is my best man and Jon will be standing right beside him in my wedding.  The other seven likely won't be invited.  What's even more sad is that there's a couple ex-girlfriends that I dated for a significant time that didn't crack that list.  So yeah, life moves on an things change and we can't hold on to the past and I get stuck between missing the past and trying to do my best for the future.  Back to the point - no, I won't be giving up this blog.  The entries might keep getting scarcer, but I'm not giving it up now.  I've got 3 weeks left in the semester and if nothing else, I don't want to give up the summer goal list.  Its hard for me to believe this is the 12th year I'll be doing it but I've got some kickass goals coming up and this may finally be the year I have the summer of my dreams.  Stay tuned...