Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I'd love you to love me

Volunteer.  Seriously, just do it.  Volunteering at the food pantry has quite likely been the most rewarding thing I've done in the past year.  Its not because its a "now I appreciate what I have when others have so much less" type of thing.  That occurs if you only go through and do it once or twice.  Its much better than that.  Today, in the hour and a half we were open, we helped out 173 families.  The number was higher than normal because the pantry is closed for the next two days and its the end of the month and so people are running low on food stamps.  This was a great day for me because this now meant that there were 173+ people who were happy to see me.  Compare that to my usual week, when there are about 8 people that are happy to see me (okay, its higher than that since most of my students like me, but it doesn't approach 100+ on any given day).  Even better is the fact that I work produce which means I'm right after Andre, who has a good way with people and thus, I end up with all these little old ladies who are in a good mood and flirting with me even though all I'm doing is giving them a cabbage and some bananas.  When you get all these people coming together for the greater good, you can't help but walk away with a smile because when 173 people love on you, the stones in your heart haven't got a chance.

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