Saturday, October 11, 2014

Drowned with applause

Wow. Over three weeks since I've last posted.  This is what happens when you get into the part of the school year where you just fall into the routine and find a way to get through.  I could blame Lindsey because honestly, she's rather distracting, but that just wouldn't be true.  So if nothing else, here's the recap of goals for September.

Work Harder:  Its just been normal school stuff so not much to comment on there.  Physically, I've done a good job of being in the gym three times a week and that's still going strong, so hooray for that.  Running has been bad, especially when my colleague who is an awesome runner tweets about his 90 mile weeks.  I hate him a little bit because he's better than me at most everything.

Play Harder:  This is where Lindsey's distraction comes in.  We've been on several dates including an Iowa game, a corn maze, a picnic at the reservoir, etc.

Travel More:  Outside of going out to Purdue, I didn't make it anywhere.  School is in session, what did you expect?

Read More: I obviously finished The Long Walk which actually seemed somewhat feasible until they talked about yetis.  I also made my way through Laurie Halse Andersen's Speak and Antoine de Saint-Exupery's The Little Prince.

Drink Better Beer:  I'm still working my way through this case of Sierra Nevada Red IPA as I've been drinking a lot more wine than beer.  Next up is Firestone Walker's IPA.

Sorry its a short entry but hey, at least its something.

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