A quick update on November will look very similar to October because that's what happens when you get in the routine of school. We did have the Math Christmas party last night where I learned that some of my students are too scared of me to ask questions. I don't actively try to achieve this but I really don't mind this too much. I don't think I'm all that intimidating but I could be wrong.
1) Work harder. The status quo remains. I did run 40 miles in November though so at least some progress is being made. I'll find out a lot more next week as max day is this coming Monday. I'd love to combine for 500 in the bench and dead but I doubt it'll happen since I tried doing deadlift reps at 295 yesterday and my from went to pot on the second rep.
2) Play harder. Nope. Just the usual.
3) Travel more. Nope.
4) Read more. I read Jack London's Call of the Wild. I could have sworn I read something in between Gone Girl and Call of the Wild but a quick perusal of my shelves didn't turn anything up so I guess I read a grand total of 85 pages in November. That counts as failure. I will make amends for this over Christmas break.
5) Drink better beer. It just seems sad when this is the category I have the best success in for a month. I went back to Michigan for Thanksgiving and had the misfortune of going to a grocery store so I could see all the great beers Indiana doesn't have. I picked up a six pack of Humalupalicious to share with Lindsey's family. I checked out Brewery Vivant with Brooke and sampled several of their offerings and brought home a four pack of Big Red Coq and you can make any jokes you want about that. I also went back to the old standby of Boulevard's 80 Acre because not every beer has to be from Michigan.
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