Sunday, May 31, 2015

Tell me who are you

I know I can be hard on myself on this blog, hence the happiness posts from earlier in the month.  The main reason for it being that I'm not living up to the standards (admittedly high) that I've set for myself.  These past few days have been different.  I've been in California (Pinnacles and Yosemite) and Luke and I have hiked the Pinnacles High Peaks Trail, Yosemite's Four Mile Trail/Panorama Trail and Upper Yosemite Falls.  Its been over 30 miles of hiking with 10000+ feet of elevation gain.  This is who I want to be.  I'm active all day and don't struggle with my usual sin issues because I'm too busy being distracted by the majesty of God's creation.  At night, we celebrate with a burger and a beer and if there's any time left, I'll read.  Granted, this would be really hard to do in Indiana with the total lack of possible elevation change and it would also be difficult to do while maintaining a job, but for now, I'm thrilled.  I'm having a blast out here.  I'm also thankful though that we're taking today off to just drive by Lake Tahoe because my calves could really use the rest.  Also, the back of my right heel has been rubbed raw because I didn't switch out of my boots and into my trail runners soon enough, but that's okay because its a small price to pay for the glory that I've witnessed.  This should knock out my second goal of the summer as well as I'm assuming I have some awesome pictures.  They'll get posted later in the week after I get back.

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