Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Education is so lame

Education is so lame when you bitch and you moan.  Second semester officially starts in a little less than twelve hours and I'm sure there are plenty of people not looking forward to it.  I am not one of those people.  I am very excited to be back because even though I now have significantly less time to read and work out and dream about all the trips I'm going to take, that's actually awesome because I'll still do those things and ideally I'll cut out the massive amounts of tv I've been watching.  I've had so much time on my hands and for the majority of it, I haven't been productive or overly social, especially outside of time spent with Lindsey.  Maybe its still me being too hard on myself, but this lack of productivity leads to me being mopey and honestly, a little depressed.  I'm mad at myself for just wasting time and getting fat instead of taking this time to relax and appreciate that for what it is.  There are so many of my friends who would kill for a month off over the holidays and here I am whining about it.  Yep, so be it.  For now, I'm thrilled to be getting back to school because it'll mean I'm actually doing something useful again.  In another two months, I do guarantee you that I will be ready for spring break though.  Where should I go?

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