Friday, January 1, 2016

How am I the lucky one?

The goals I initially tracked for 2015 were pushups, pullups, miles and having three epic life experiences.  I stopped tracking all the fitness stuff fairly early on as my body decided to break in several ways in the past year(ish).  I failed on the three epic life experiences, only getting one and a half.  It was still a pretty darn good year for me though.  I got engaged to my best friend.  I hiked all over a bunch of national parks out west with my other best friend.  I met my first niece.  I ran my second marathon and despite cramping, still finished under four hours and was able to hold off vomiting until about an hour afterward and it happened in the parking lot and not the bus so hooray for small miracles.  Julie did much better in the half marathon.  I was on hand in Cincinnati with Lisa to watch the Mets clinch the NL East.  We sat next to Daniel Murphy's cousin and wife, who annoyed us before the game started.  I explored mountains in both Virginia and Georgia.  I'm certainly not complaining.  I'm not trying to brag here either, even though it may seem like it.  One of my goals for 2016 is to better appreciate the things I already have and do less of comparing myself to others.  That should be a way I can make my life better.  Here are my other goals for 2016:

1) Get married.  Lindsey already said yes to my proposal and our venue just charged me a couple grand for a deposit so this is all good to go.

2) Buy a house.  Or a condo.  Or a townhome.  Or a really nice cardboard box somewhere to keep costs down.  What? Lindsey and I need a place to live and I haven't convinced her to move to Anderson yet and we're both teachers so we're poor.

3) Get promoted to associate professor.  My application has already been accepted so Lord willing, all that needs to occur for this to happen is for me to stay both alive and employed at AU until August.

4) Go somewhere new.  All right, this is my goal for basically every day of my life.  Lisa and I will be going to PNC Park in Pittsburgh for our new baseball stadium.  Luke and I will be going to some new national parks in May.  Lindsey and I will be going on a honeymoon hopefully somewhere new and then somewhere new and expensive (again, for us) over next winter's break.  We're also going to be going to our new  house/condo/etc.  I'd love to be able to get out to a new state.  I was able to knock off Virginia and Georgia from the list of states I haven't been to this year.  I'd love to get another one this year with a trip planned to South Carolina in 2017 for a math conference.  I'm currently at 32 (counted by memories, a couple are pretty weak) or 35 (physically been).  Most of what I need is either the Northeast or the deep South.

5) Not break myself.  I want to spend significantly under my deductible for health insurance this year.  Hitting that the past two years hasn't been fun.

I'm going to stop there.  Those are my five goals for this year, most of which are already planned.  It looks like it'll be a great year.

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