Thursday, January 1, 2015

A little better all the time

You want a New Year's Resolution from me?  Okay, here goes.  By this time next year, I want to be in a better place than I am now.  Its vague, sure, but this past year was pretty good and this time I don't want to focus on just getting out and experiences, I'd like to focus on being in a better situation.  I fully expect that this may be a huge year for me.  There's a decent chance I buy a house.  There's a better chance I get engaged.  There's an even better chance I get to experience a whole lot of fun natural stuff in California (Okay, that's an experiential one. I'm not giving them all up.) But that's not what's becoming the focus this year.  Let's keep this fairly simple and have one physical goal, one spiritual goal and one experiential goal.  For my physical goal, I want to do 7500 pullups, 20000 pushups and run 750 miles.  On this first day so far, I've currently done 7 pullups.  That's it.  I'll have to work much harder on that.  For my spiritual goal, I've been holding on to a copy of J.I. Packer's Daily Readings for a couple of months now.  I will limit myself to doing one devotional per day and I want to get through at least 350 devotionals.  For the experiential goal, I want to have three MAJOR experiences.  This could be buying a house, getting engaged, climbing half-dome, climbing Katahdin whatever.  I want to have at least three.  If you have to ask if its a major thing, its not.  I'll try to keep everyone updated.

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