Tuesday, July 14, 2015

I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired

Despite what the title would imply, this isn't just another post to let you know what went wrong with my body next. Instead, this is about me being tired of being tired and how pathetic my running has gotten.  I see photos on facebook of friends in CrossFit and there's a bunch of dudes there rocking abs and it reminds me that I need to get my fat ass off my couch and get out for a run again.  Today, I actually did that, and like the last run or two, I've crapped out at the 3 mile mark which is pretty utterly pathetic for me.  I then checked my calendar and realized that since my marathon on May 3, I've run for less than 15 miles.  Yeah, that's bad.  Its time to get out and start doing this again on a regular basis and get my body back to where it should be instead of just complaining about being old all the time.  Besides, getting out and running would give me a good chance to get out with my shirt off and start working on this farmers tan that is starting to get pretty ridiculous.

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