Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Staying Put

I have officially taken myself out of the housing market.  In the next day or two, I'll be turning in a least to stay at my current apartment for another 10 months.  I'm glad I got to check out what's actually available in the area right now, and I actually liked several houses, but I can't quite afford it yet.  Well, technically I could, but I'd have a hard time with an increased cost of gas due to a longer commute as well as a dramatic increase in utilities, both from having a bigger space and paying for things like trash and sewer.  So yeah, I could afford it as long as I had no unexpected costs for the next 10 years and the odds of that happening might actually be negative.  I lived paycheck to paycheck in grad school and that was tough.  I don't think I could handle it now simply because of how much stress that would add in to my life that I just don't need.

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