Thursday, July 9, 2015

There's nothing wrong with me

And my year of breaking continues.  Two weeks after getting my EMG done, I hadn't heard any results so I called my doctor and left a message.  A week after that, they finally called me back.  I expected there not to be anything because I haven't been feeling any effects recently.  I was surprised then when they told me that my test showed that I had carpal tunnel.  They told me my options were either to come in and get braces and some shots or they could give me a surgical consult.  I've joked a lot about free surgery since I'm already very close to hitting my deductible on my HDHP.  That said, I'm not going to be stupid and have surgery just for the sake of surgery, especially since I'm feeling very few, if any, effects anymore.  In fact, because of that, I'm going with option c), which is just do nothing except the exercises for my back from when it spasmed.  If I really focus on it, yeah, I can probably make out a hint of numbness, but its certainly nothing that I can't deal with.  Since the whole point of everything that could be done would be to get me to regain feeling in my fingers, I'm not going to do anything since I already have that feeling back.  I am a little scared to see what more they can find wrong with me when I inevitably call to set up a physical later in the month.

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