Saturday, May 10, 2014

I'm kinda over getting told to throw my hands up in the air

Before you say anything, the title is from Local H's cover of Lorde's Team so no worries, I'm still not necessarily listening to good music even though it is a fantastic cover.  As was promised earlier, here are this year's summer goals, once again, in no particular order.

1) Hike Utah's Mighty Five - Luke and I have this all set up already.  I am excited, oh so excited.

2) Explore Kentucky.  At a minimum, I want to visit Mammoth Cave, hike Red Rock Canyon and tour a distillery.

3) Drink homemade beer.  This is mostly a hope that I'll be out in the pacific northwest during August.

4) Do actual mathematical research on expanding spectral deferred correction.  I have a faculty development grant for this so it should at least have a decent amount of work put into it.

5) Catch up on scripture memory.  I'm going back through the scripture memory plan that URC put out a couple years ago.  I've got the first 10 weeks done or so and I want to get caught back up to the point where I'm on track for the year at the end of August.

6) Get involved in church sports.  I'm already on a church league softball team but I should check out the Wednesday night volleyball as well.

7) Watch the original Star Wars trilogy.  I've never done it.  I'm not sure if I actually will this summer.

8) Build a wine glass shelf so my living room is slightly classier.

9) Complete P90X2.  I tried before. I hurt myself.  I want to make up for that and I want something to do other than running and poorly planned out lifting.  I may take pictures and post them on facebook.

10) Eat no fast food within 75 miles of Anderson.

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