Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Ain't it fun

I've found my new favorite thing about going somewhere warm for spring break.  Its the look you get from people who aren't going anywhere right after they hear about where you're going.  Its beautiful, but only because I've put in my time on "boring" spring break destinations.  My first spring break was back home to Lynden since we only had two months until we moved.  My second spring break was with a group out to Karen's place in Colorado.  From there, a good precedent had been set.  In the eleven years since then, the only place warm I've been was a week out in L.A. and that's only because it coincided with a workshop on Quantum and Kinetic Theory and Andrew paid for me to be out there.  Every other spring break has been spent in either Michigan or Illinois, including last year when I ran a 50k over spring break.  Yeah, I've paid my dues and I will definitely be enjoying this.

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