Sunday, June 1, 2014

But I remember you saying that yesterday

End of April resolution update:

1) Work harder - coming soon.  I should be heading up to Michigan this week so I can start working on math stuff.  I've also started P90X2, but have only done a couple of workouts so far.  There was a lot of hiking in Utah obviously, so I'll consider that a win for this month.

2) Play harder - Boom. Done. Utah was awesome, but you already heard me say that a few times.  Softball has been good too, but I'd like for the games to be a little more competitive.

3) Travel more - Yep. Still Utah.  More stuff coming up this month.  June should include travels to Michigan, Wisconsin, Missouri and maybe Kentucky.  You could almost argue that all of these travels mean I'm running away from Indiana.  You'd probably be right too.

4) Read more - May was better than April.  I'm still going through East of Eden and am about 60% of the way.  This means I at least went through a couple hundred pages, which I'm fine with since its not a book you read for hours on end.  Its very much a book you read 20 pages at a time and chew it over.  Its been a good read so far.

5) Drink better beer - There's currently Oberon in my fridge so that counts.  Luke and I tried a whole bunch of stuff in Utah and while most of it wasn't overly hard, it was fairly good.  Utah was some weird alcohol rules that we had to contend with, but its all good.

New news! I have a date in a little over an hour.  She's probably the girl that's the most like me that I've met in all of my online dating so far.  I'm excited, but a little apprehensive.  As much as I want to talk about it here, I actually really don't want to talk about it publicly at all yet.  If I still feel a little weird about this, I'll probably just talk to Steph about it, because she's become my love guru more willing than anyone else to call me out on any potential bullshit.

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