Monday, August 8, 2016

Within the sound of silence

The last three months (so all of summer, really) has been a whirlwind with just so much stuff going on.  There was buying the house and all that went in with that leading up to June and then moving myself in and then moving Lindsey in later.  Shortly thereafter she headed up to Michigan to prep for the wedding and then I did the same and that's where we left things off.  After we got married, we went up to Pictured Rocks for a quick honeymoon.  The real honeymoon is later in Costa Rica, but this was definitely a good time too.  But it was a six hour drive up on Monday followed by six hours back down on Thursday and then four more hours back to Indiana on Friday.  The following week, we drove up six hours to Appleton, WI for Lindsey's cousin's wedding which was a good time.  I got along quite well with that side of Lindsey's family.  Then we got to drive seven hours over to the cabin with my mom's side of the family.  Once again, that's always great because we have an island and there's no neighbors and no one gets to tell you what to do.  After nearly a week there, we came home on Saturday.

I'm not going to claim any of this is hard, but I've been struggling a little since I got back on the come down.  There was just so much over long period with all of the great things, including getting to spend some time with my best friends who live out West and then getting to experience new things and now I come back and Lindsey's in school and I don't for a couple weeks.  Right now, I need to find things to do and meaningful things to do because I'm feeling a little purposeless at the moment and compared to the rest of the summer, any event has to be fairly monumental to distract me now.  I'm currently writing this from my office where I can get a few things done but its still not what I want.  This is the issue.  After months and months of noise, now there's just silence.  I love silence, but I don't know what to do with it now.    I'm hesitant to say it, but I wouldn't actually mind having a week or two less of summer just because I run out of things to do and admittedly, I get a little bored.  If we could start earlier and have an extra week of Christmas break, heck yes, I'm all in.

Anyhoo, summer goals are going well.  I still believe I'm on target to get all ten taken care of, though I have been slack in biking and will need to average about five miles a day to get that knocked out.  Chances are I'll end up hitting up the Monon for a couple 30+ mile rides in the next few weeks to make sure it gets done.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

I'm getting married in roughly 18 hours.  I have no doubts.  This feeling is amazing.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Maybe I'm Amazed

As soon as I finish writing this, I will be unplugging the electronics here at the house and heading up to Michigan.  In less than 40 hours, I'm getting married.  For a long, long time, I didn't actually believe this day would happen.  Lindsey's not exactly what I expected, but she's much better, because she's an actual real human being and a darn good one at that.  What I expected never really existed and if she did, chances are we wouldn't have worked because we wouldn't have worked through all the difficult times that inevitably arise.  I have no doubts whatsoever on that with Lindsey.  We are in this for the long haul and we're going to have a lot of good times.  We're going to have a bunch of bad times too but I know she loves me and I love her and we will fight through all the bad times that get thrown our way or, more likely, I cause.

I'm amazed even by how much I've come to appreciate her over the past week.  I've been living at the house now for roughly a month.  Lindsey moved all of her stuff in on Saturday before heading up to Michigan on Monday morning.  In the days before she moved in, she was spending quite a bit of time here, because who wouldn't be spending a lot of time at the house he/she owns?  In that time, I let go several of the issues I was hanging on to, most predominantly, the issue that we could be together but still do our own thing at the same time, like when she's watching TV and I'm reading and I'm totally fine and holy crap, is that a load off of my mind! Seriously, you have no idea how scared I was that this wouldn't be feasible.  As a huge introvert, yes, Lindsey is obviously allowed in my bubble, but there are times when that bubble surrounds me and me only and those times are more frequent than most people imagine.  Occasionally, people get kicked out of that simply because they've been in it too long. I just need a break from them.  I'm not trying to be mean; this is just how it works.  So yeah, figuring that out was great.  Since then though, its been three days without her and I've missed her.  Not in that pathetic "What will I ever do without my snookie-wookie sweetums?" way, but in a legitimate way where I acknowledge that things are just better in general when she's around.

I can't wait to marry her.  Yes, I'm excited.  Yes, I'm still a little terrified, but if you're not doing anything scary, you're not living.  This is going to be awesome.  This is going to be harder than anything I've done before.  Bring it on.  See you Sunday.

Monday, June 20, 2016

I'm a shut up, sit down

Its definitely time to update since a couple more of the summer goals have been knocked out.  I know I promised more about the house, but you'll see more of it when you come to visit me.  I have had to do a few handyman things around the place though, so I'm learning all of that fun stuff.  I had to switch out the electric cord on my dryer because it was three pronged and our outlet was four pronged.  I also had to do that the day before I left for the AP reading when I didn't have many clean clothes either so thankfully it was a quick job.  I switched out my shower head last night and now have a much nicer time taking a shower.  More basic things will come up and I'll be fine until there's an emergency.

Speaking of the AP reading, I got back from that on Saturday so that's another goal down.  It's also the basis for the title of this entry.  Grading for nearly 50 hours wasn't actually as bad as I expected it to be because you never really felt too out of it simply by having that 15 minute or more break every two hours.  There definitely were some frustrating things with the grading though as the prime goal is to grade exams as consistently as possible, meaning that strict adherence to the rubric is demanded.  My biggest issues came with the rubric itself.  I know grading over 200,000 exams means you have to have some sort of rubric, but too often it seemed like the answer that was being looked for just meant parroting back the correct statement that your teacher (hopefully) taught you instead of showing true understanding.  So yeah, there was definitely some frustrations, but overall, it was definitely a good experience especially once I get paid for it.  I expect I'll do it again next year.

The week before that, I also knocked out the goal of introducing Lindsey to Lisa and mine's habit of visiting a new baseball stadium each summer.  It wasn't that successful though this year as the game got rained out.  Lisa did get to sample the nachos though and I got to try Primanti Brothers for the first time.  I wasn't tremendously impressed.  The trip wasn't a waste though as we did have a fun day at the zoo before that and we got to spend a night catching up with our friend Beez earlier.  Now though, I've got to go call the Pirates box office and see if I can get a refund on those tickets.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

If you can't see the thin air, then why the hell should you care

Roughly two weeks ago, I knocked out the first of hopefully many summer goals.  On that Tuesday morning, I headed out to Virginia, where I spent the night camping in Grayson Highlands state park.  The next morning, I hiked the Rhododendron Trail out to Mt. Rogers.  The following day, I hiked Old Mitchell up to Mt. Mitchell.  The day after that, I hiked Low Gap and the Appalachian Trail up to Mt Cammerer and managed to not get eaten by bears despite other hikers telling me that they had just seen one.  It was the hike to Mt Cammerer that provided my opportunity for finishing a goal as it is located on the far east side of Great Smoky Mountains National Park and I camped at Cosby Campground the night before.  Yay! One goal done.

Coming into the trip, I knew there was the possibility of rain each day and hiking in rain, or especially in thunderstorms, takes away a lot of the fun.  I received good providence and didn't actually have to deal with rain while hiking.  On the Mt Rogers hike, the weather started beautifully but once I had summited, a quick check of the sky showed that ominous clouds had rolled in and I started busting butt back home on the way back so as to minimize the time I would spend hiking in the rain.  Thankfully, that amount of time turned out to be zero, which is minimal.  My hike of Mt Cammerer had beautiful weather, but again, there were supposedly bear sightings.  The hike of Mt Mitchell provided the worst weather.  While it didn't rain, I was hiking in clouds for the vast majority of the hike.  Getting to the summit earned me a spectacular panoramic view of roughly a couple hundred feet in each direction.  This begs the questions - if you can't see anything, is the hike worth it?  Most of the time, I'll answer yes without hesitation.  This one certainly was.  Yes, if there isn't much of a payoff once you've reached, the experience has been slightly diminished but certainly not to the point where the journey isn't worth it.  I love walking through the woods and climbing over rocks and getting out and being active and just generally being a sweaty mess.  If the final view isn't there, oh well, but I still had fun and this gave me another state high point to claim.

If I really want to stretch this as a metaphor, and apparently I do, I'll compare this to the rest of my life.  The day after I got back, Lindsey and I were meeting with the couple who will follow up with us on our premarital counseling.  Lindsey and I ended up getting in a heated argument shortly before we were to meet with them.  The drive over to their house was basically done in icy silence.  It wasn't a great way for us to prevent ourselves so at that point, the payoff wasn't really worth it, but I've certainly enjoyed the process of getting there.  We've worked everything out to this point and I certainly still love her, so yeah, even though things don't always work the way I want to, it's still been a blast getting to this point.

Technically, I have two goals done.  Yesterday we bought a house.  More on that later though.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

I have never failed to fail

I have a hard time believing that its already been 12 years now that I've been putting out summer goals.  It started back in 2005 though as I was coming off my first year of grad school and was back doing fun things in Chicago and had all sorts of cool stuff planned.  I've never been able to knock off all ten things from the list and had I done so, that year would be held up as the standard to which all summers measure up.  In that first summer, I believe I got six of my goals, but even now, that was possibly my favorite summer since I've started.  There's been other years that have been close, (2007/2012?) and years where I've hit more goals (top so far is eight), but none has the cache that that first year still holds.  The worst I've ever done is three, including the summer of 2008, where the three that I got weren't even that impressive.  My roughest summer was probably 2013 simply because it was my first full summer here in Indiana and I hadn't developed much of a social life at all yet.  I got a bunch of stuff done but I didn't have anyone to just hang out with and the summer trips with Luke didn't start until 2014.  This year though, I'm expecting big things; like, really, really big things and I'm fairly optimistic I can hit all ten goals.  Let's even start the list off with two fairly huge goals.

1) Get married.

2) Buy a house.

3) Have friends and/or family over and grill out at my new house while sitting outside and sipping a beer, possibly around a fire, at said house.

4) Camp in a national park.

5) Grade AP Statistics Exams.

6) Kayak Pictured Rocks.

7) Make use of a floating cooler.

8) Color at least one of the pages in my math coloring book.  I'm going to have to borrow some crayons or colored pencils or something.

9) Add Lindsey to Lisa and my's summer tradition of visiting a new baseball stadium.

10) Run 100 miles and bike 200 miles.

Bonus! Since I'm going for broke on this, let's add on a few additional goals because why not.

11) Learn voting theory well enough to teach it for Math 1250

12) Set a 10k personal record

13) Read two of the books I had previously started and then quit on

14) Review my Spanish from last fall

15) Not get Lindsey pregnant.

Part of the reason you're getting the bonus goals is because I'm really confident in most of the original ten and that's because many of them are already scheduled.  Lindsey and I are getting married in mid-July.  We've already got an accepted offer for a house and we take over that in early June.  Once we've got that house, I can't imagine we don't show it off to a bunch of family and friends.  I've already been accepted as an AP Reader.  Lindsey and I will be in northern Michigan for our honeymoon and have already purchased a kayaking excursion.  Lisa, Lindsey and I have tickets already to a baseball game in Pittsburgh.  It is very likely I will be headed back down to the Smokies in a week or two as well so that's plans already for goals 1-6 and 9.  Goal 8 is very easily doable as is goal 7 assuming that we get that floating cooler we registered for and bring it floating with us or out to the cabin.  Goal number 10 I'll have to be intentional about, but I'm already signed up for a 10k and will likely be doing another half marathon in the fall so training for those should knock the miles out quickly.  This time, my half will be on flat ground so I can make up for the fact that Nashville's hills slowed me and everyone else down.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

What a day, what a day

The time from Friday afternoon through Saturday night have been some of the most packed hours I've had in recent memory.  Lindsey and I have been seriously house hunting for about a month or so and thus, when a couple houses with good potential came on the market earlier this week (Read Wednesday or Thursday as the market has been crazy), we contacted our realtor and set up a showing for as soon as possible.  That turned out to be Friday afternoon at 5 so that's where the story starts.  We first looked at a house out in Ingalls that was nice and really quite cheap, but I wasn't totally feeling it and there's not a whole heck of a lot out in Ingalls anyway.  Next, we went out to Noblesville to check out two more, one of which we were very excited about.  House 1 was a little expensive, but we liked it a quite a bit even though we were just checking it out on a whim.  House 2 was the one we really wanted to see, but as it turns out, we definitely weren't alone on that.  They intentionally played the market by making everyone wait nearly two days to come see it so when we got there, we were one of five potential buyers checking it out.  Lindsey and I decided we actually liked house 1 better, but again, it was more expensive and not by an insignificant amount.  At this point, it was getting to be about 7 and I had to be back on campus on 8 for trivia.  Lindsey and I definitely had some decisions to make, but we put that off to Saturday per my request.

At trivia, our team consisted of three of AU's math faculty as well as three math majors/minors.  Last year, I wasn't on the team but they added me this year.  Last year, the team led all the way until the final round, before eventually taking second.  This year, there were significantly more teams, and we ended up taking second again.  I got back home after trivia around 10:30 but spent the next hour or so working out the financial details to see if we could actually make it work to buy one of the houses we had seen earlier that day.  I went to bed around 11:30 and slept fitfully due to concerns over whether we could make this work.  Normally, I'd just sleep in in the morning, but I was getting up at 6, so I could drive over to a buddy's house so we could run for a while.  

I got up at 6, drove over to Treg's place, we met up with Josh and ran for 11 miles.

After running, I headed over to Lindsey's place and we talked through all of the money stuff and determined that we could make an offer on house 1.  We called our realtor and got everything set up.  Since the market is ridiculous right now, she put our offer in and only had it last until 8 that night so as to discourage the sellers from waiting out for other offers.  I then drove back home because I got to shave and get all pretty for prom that night as we were to be chaperones.  Every time my phone went off that afternoon, I checked to see if it was a text or email from our realtor, but instead, it was a bunch of other group texts that were great, but not potentially life altering great.  Finally, as Lindsey and I were desperately searching for a place to park, our realtor's text came through.  The offer wasn't accepted or rejected, but instead, the sellers had made a counter offer as they didn't want to cover any closing costs.  We debated what our counter-counter offer should be and about an hour or so later texted our realtor saying what we wanted.  Our realtor listened to us, then somewhat ignored it, instead contacting the sellers and essentially asking them to reconsider.  She's good at what she does so she was able to convince them to do so and we ended up getting the house for our initial offer! We then spent the rest of prom not really being concerned with prom and instead focusing on the fact that we had now agreed to buy a house.  I sent more texts last night than pretty much any other night in my life except for possibly our engagement night.  So yeah, I bought a house while at prom.  

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Will you ever shut up?

Based on the fact that I'm down to posting every two weeks or so, I've actually given serious consideration to giving up writing on this blog.  This used to be my release; the place I could to go to air my grievances as well as all of my successes and still have relative anonymity.  I gave up the original Xanga blog because everyone else stopped blogging.  I restarted this because I liked writing because it gave me a way to release and just get all of my feelings out.  I'm not going to lie, it was cool when other people cared, but I didn't make a big deal of it when I switched over to blogspot.  I'm 34 and writing about the basics of my life.  I'm actually surprised you care as much as you do to keep checking this as often as you do.  My audience consists of my family, my fiancee and possibly a couple of friends.  Even then, most of my friends are getting married and so allegiances are shifting.  It's sad because I no longer rank as highly with them as I used to but its certainly not sad for them as someone else is taking on a huge role in their life.  That's the hard part for me now.  I'm not writing as much for myself anymore because I have Lindsey to be my sounding board.  Things don't rattle around in my brain as much because I can talk to her about anything.  I don't have as many friends reading this as I did in the Xanga days but that's okay.  It is sad though that I have actually lost touch with many of my friends.  One of the things I was ruminating over the other day while feeling down was how many good friends I've had that I no longer keep in contact with.  Over my life, at various times, I've had these people as my best friend for at least a year or more: Brad, George, Brian, Luke, Jon, Lisa, Scott, Cheryl, Steph and Lindsey.  Of those 10, I'm marrying Lindsey while Luke is my best man and Jon will be standing right beside him in my wedding.  The other seven likely won't be invited.  What's even more sad is that there's a couple ex-girlfriends that I dated for a significant time that didn't crack that list.  So yeah, life moves on an things change and we can't hold on to the past and I get stuck between missing the past and trying to do my best for the future.  Back to the point - no, I won't be giving up this blog.  The entries might keep getting scarcer, but I'm not giving it up now.  I've got 3 weeks left in the semester and if nothing else, I don't want to give up the summer goal list.  Its hard for me to believe this is the 12th year I'll be doing it but I've got some kickass goals coming up and this may finally be the year I have the summer of my dreams.  Stay tuned...

Monday, March 28, 2016

My brother never missed a beat

When I first came to Anderson, I promised to give it at least three years before I made a decision about whether or not I wanted to really set down roots here.  As was expected, the first year was really quite tough simply because I have a hard time just getting to know people and I experienced so little community that first year that I was tremendously lonely.  Seeing as how its year four, things have obviously gotten better.  In fact, things are pretty awesome now.  I'm getting married this summer and I'm currently looking for a house so yeah, things have improved a little bit.  However, I screwed up.  I've been focused on me and all the craziness that's surrounded my life lately that I forgot about those who were there when life was crappy.  During my first spring break, I wasn't struggling just with the typical loneliness.  I had been involved in online dating again and having a smidgeon of success for the first time, but come February or so, I ran out of all my options and things hadn't been going well enough that I wanted to pour any more money into it.  Sara and I met about halfway between us to celebrate both our birthdays.  Celebrate was definitely a relative word that day.  She was dealing with some horrible parents and some tremendous stress and was having just as bad as time of it as I was.  That day, we were good for each other because it was someone else to commiserate with and we could dump out our feelings and not be judged or seemed needy and it was pretty helpful.  It was good enough in fact, that we decided to do it again the next year.  This time, things were looking a lot better.  I was really happy in a relationship and unbeknownst to me, so was Sara.  She ended up marrying her guy while I got dumped a month later so she obviously had chosen better, but that was different because we got to celebrate instead of commiserate and this time, we had Lisa there with us as well.  It was the start of a good tradition because it was a chance to be with family that I love dearly and don't get to see enough.  This year, I just forgot about it and I feel pretty awful about it.  I got distracted with my spring break trip and with wedding details and house searches and all the other good stuff that I forgot about how my foundations were built.  I'm sorry Sara.  Please forgive me.  I'll do better next year.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Don't Live a Life Untrue

I always knew that premarital counseling was essential, but the premarital class that Lindsey and I are in has been good to me for reasons different than what I expected.  Also, to be clear, this is a class as we're in it with five other couples and not yet counseling, which should hopefully come afterward when we're paired one on one with a couple who has been married for a while.  The homework we've had to do has done a great job of straightening out my expectations.  I always assumed that since I waited a long time to get married and never rushed into anything that I'd be good and ready and mature before I got married and everything would be wonderful.  My thoughts never corresponded with real life though.  I always kind of pictured my best friend as someone who it was always amazing to be around and there were never any bad days.  This is where the illusion ends.  When you get to live with your best friends, its not that there are no bad days.  There are actually a lot more bad days.  Its just that they get to see those days and they experience them with you and they help you through them whether its by doing something marvelous for you or for just being there when you need them to be there.  This is what I'm learning most - not that I'll have to work at my marriage but what kind of work it'll be.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Do I stay or do I go now?

As I mentioned in the last post, the end of Christmas break saw me as lazy and depressed because I wasn't social or productive.  For the last several years, hiking has been one of my escapes and basically, any time I've had a week or so free, I've looked to get away and marvel in God's creation.  The biggest drawbacks to that are that 1) I live in Indiana, where decent hiking is several hours away and 2) airplane tickets are expensive, at least on a Midwestern teachers salary.  Between and, I've got a list of about 250 different awesome hikes in the states.  However, very few of them are in the midwest, but one I've been eying for a while is Zaleski state forest out in Ohio, which is about four hours away from me.  I contemplated going several times over the end of Christmas break, but didn't go.  Now, I've got Monday off and the only thing I have on Tuesday is Calc recitation so I've got the time, but its going to get really cold in the next couple of days so I think I'll save some gas and hotel money and just stay here still (possibly regretting it) but there's a chance I head out tomorrow morning at 7.

Morning edit: I did not go.  Instead, I sit here in my apartment, updating this post.  I still think I made the right decision, but I also think its a little bit irresponsible not to road trip when gas is $1.60.  I will make up for this at spring break, and after the semester ends, and for my first honeymoon, but still...

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Education is so lame

Education is so lame when you bitch and you moan.  Second semester officially starts in a little less than twelve hours and I'm sure there are plenty of people not looking forward to it.  I am not one of those people.  I am very excited to be back because even though I now have significantly less time to read and work out and dream about all the trips I'm going to take, that's actually awesome because I'll still do those things and ideally I'll cut out the massive amounts of tv I've been watching.  I've had so much time on my hands and for the majority of it, I haven't been productive or overly social, especially outside of time spent with Lindsey.  Maybe its still me being too hard on myself, but this lack of productivity leads to me being mopey and honestly, a little depressed.  I'm mad at myself for just wasting time and getting fat instead of taking this time to relax and appreciate that for what it is.  There are so many of my friends who would kill for a month off over the holidays and here I am whining about it.  Yep, so be it.  For now, I'm thrilled to be getting back to school because it'll mean I'm actually doing something useful again.  In another two months, I do guarantee you that I will be ready for spring break though.  Where should I go?

Friday, January 1, 2016

How am I the lucky one?

The goals I initially tracked for 2015 were pushups, pullups, miles and having three epic life experiences.  I stopped tracking all the fitness stuff fairly early on as my body decided to break in several ways in the past year(ish).  I failed on the three epic life experiences, only getting one and a half.  It was still a pretty darn good year for me though.  I got engaged to my best friend.  I hiked all over a bunch of national parks out west with my other best friend.  I met my first niece.  I ran my second marathon and despite cramping, still finished under four hours and was able to hold off vomiting until about an hour afterward and it happened in the parking lot and not the bus so hooray for small miracles.  Julie did much better in the half marathon.  I was on hand in Cincinnati with Lisa to watch the Mets clinch the NL East.  We sat next to Daniel Murphy's cousin and wife, who annoyed us before the game started.  I explored mountains in both Virginia and Georgia.  I'm certainly not complaining.  I'm not trying to brag here either, even though it may seem like it.  One of my goals for 2016 is to better appreciate the things I already have and do less of comparing myself to others.  That should be a way I can make my life better.  Here are my other goals for 2016:

1) Get married.  Lindsey already said yes to my proposal and our venue just charged me a couple grand for a deposit so this is all good to go.

2) Buy a house.  Or a condo.  Or a townhome.  Or a really nice cardboard box somewhere to keep costs down.  What? Lindsey and I need a place to live and I haven't convinced her to move to Anderson yet and we're both teachers so we're poor.

3) Get promoted to associate professor.  My application has already been accepted so Lord willing, all that needs to occur for this to happen is for me to stay both alive and employed at AU until August.

4) Go somewhere new.  All right, this is my goal for basically every day of my life.  Lisa and I will be going to PNC Park in Pittsburgh for our new baseball stadium.  Luke and I will be going to some new national parks in May.  Lindsey and I will be going on a honeymoon hopefully somewhere new and then somewhere new and expensive (again, for us) over next winter's break.  We're also going to be going to our new  house/condo/etc.  I'd love to be able to get out to a new state.  I was able to knock off Virginia and Georgia from the list of states I haven't been to this year.  I'd love to get another one this year with a trip planned to South Carolina in 2017 for a math conference.  I'm currently at 32 (counted by memories, a couple are pretty weak) or 35 (physically been).  Most of what I need is either the Northeast or the deep South.

5) Not break myself.  I want to spend significantly under my deductible for health insurance this year.  Hitting that the past two years hasn't been fun.

I'm going to stop there.  Those are my five goals for this year, most of which are already planned.  It looks like it'll be a great year.